

Digital product design for Levantina, a Spanish international company and a world leader in the Natural Stone industry. In charge of the visual line. In collaboration with Irene Molina & Álvaro Fernández. Icons by Carlos Pariente. Done while working at Redbility agency.

The natural stone company

The natural stone company

Since its foundation in 1959, the company has grown and strongly expanded, becoming a global model in the Natural Stone industry, providing innovation and technology leadership. Among its greatest assets is its considerable responsiveness —it owns numerous quarries—, competitiveness and innovation. All this is the result of the 7 factories that Levantina has strategically located and where it develops the most advanced technology; the accessibility provided by 20 private distribution warehouses; and, lastly, its international presence thanks to exporting to more than 100 countries.

Defining the navigation

Defining the navigation

The product

The product

Microinteractions that help business grow

Microinteractions that help business grow

Get inspiration, test your materials digitally and order your new home

Get inspiration, test your materials digitally and order your new home

The best experience in every device

The best experience in every device
